Health Advice

This page is to give advice and guidance to patients on how to manage their long-term conditions, how to deal with minor injury and illness that doesn't require treatment from a clinician and give patients advice on several topics.




Daylight is a fully-automated digital CBT programme for anxiety. Daylight is instantly accessible, 24 hours a day, offering you the opportunity to use evidence-based cognitive behavioural techniques in the moment, whenever you are struggling. You can access the programme at, you will then be prompted to download the app.

Sleepio is a fully automated six-session programme of digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia is the firstline recommended treatment for insomnia in both national and international clinical guidance. You can access the programme at 

When Should I Worry -Information for Parents

The 'When should I worry' leaflet is designed to provide parents with helpful advice on the self-management of common childhood illness and has been designed to be used in Primary Care consultations. It also provides additional advice around antibiotics and when to have your child assessed by a GP or nurse or what to do if the illness is severe.

This is for use for all children over 3 months old (please be aware that children under 3 months old who are unwell should always be assessed by a GP or nurse as they can respond differently to infections)

As with all advice, if after reading you are still worried about your child, please continue to seek advice via your GP, 111 or by calling 999 in an emergency.

Link below to printable booklet

When should I worry-Booklet Scotland.pdf

Healthier Together

The website provides advice for parents, young people and pregnant women, and clinical resources to support healthcare professionals

Home :: Healthier Together (

Phio - Online digital tool for muscle or joint pain

Many muscle and joint problems can be managed at home with support from a team of Physiotherapists.

Safely asses you condition using our online digital referral tool to connect you to the right care, in the right place.

Visit -





Suicide Bereavement Support Service

Suicide Bereavement Support Service, which is running across the Highland area.

The service is designed to help people who have lost a loved one to suicide. They provide compassionate and flexible support from immediately after a suicide, for as long as is needed.  They can provide support to both family members and friends and can help with emotional support and also practical matters.

They can also support families if a suicide has taken place in the past, but support is still required even a year or more later.

Click on link below to information leaflet

Bereaved By Suicide Leaflet

MS Wellbeing Hub Scotland

The MS Wellbeing Hub Scotland is a one-stop-shop providing virtual information and support to help people manage their physical and mental well-being.

Wellbeing hub (Scotland) | Multiple Sclerosis Society UK (



Waiting Well

If you are waiting to see a healthcare specialist or to get health and social care services, taking positives steps now to look after your health and wellbeing can help you too.

For further information and advice go to


Useful information if you have been referred to Raigmore cardiology -